My mother

  1. My mother is beautiful,
  2. She is very healthy,
  3. She is hardworking
  4. And  always busy.
  5. She is a house-wife,
  6. She wakes up all of us.
  7. She is the first one to get up
  8. And the last one to go to bed.
  9. She cooks,cleans, washes our clothes.
  10. She is really a good cook.
  11. She prepares all items with good care
  12. And with love and affection
  13. And offers always very very tasty dishes.
  14. She knows our likes and dislikes.
  15. She is good lullaby singer
  16. And also sings  Carnatic songs.
  17. She plays Veena very well.
  18. She also teaches us how to appreciate all music.
  19. She watches the TALENT programmes on all channels.
  20. She keeps our house very clean and tidy.
  21. You can see her only with a smiling face.
  22. She does everything very cheerfully.
  23. When we fall sick, she worries a lot but gives home-medicines.
  24. If in need she takes us to our family doctor.
  25. _MG_8001 - CopyWe all love her too much.